Advocacy Declaration To Terminate The Judicial Approved Gang Rape Of The Britney Spears Estate

Britney Spears judicial rape
Britney Spears & Samuel Ingham
Decl of ELM for Probate reforms-conformed

This is the declaration document filed in the Britney Jean Spears conservatorship case at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in Los Angeles, California. In this declaration, I have presented my professional assessment of the Britney Spears conservatorship and determined that it is not in the best interest of Britney Spears! Based on the evidence that I have seen so far this conservatorship in nothing but a Britney Spears judicial approved gang rape of her estate!

This conservatorship is merely a judicial approved “Gang Rape of the Britney Spears estate. My opinion is based on the fact that all of the judges in the Los Angeles superior court probate departments are corrupt!

By Ernest L. Moore

The Moore Family Trust & the Myrtle Moore Living Trust BP141 987

My declaration presents evidence from my long-standing probate case and the Britney Spears case. It includes evidence that this widespread probate court corruption is protected by the Sheriff’s Deputies stationed at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse! This corruption includes the so-called Probate Volunteer Panel lawyers (PVP) Guardian Ad Litems (GAL) assigned by the judges in the probate courts to people placed into conservatorships. Many of the private lawyers representing families and individuals who come to the probate court for justice are corrupt! These private lawyers who charge extremely high fees and act in concert with the court to run down their probate racquets!

The video below is a legal analysis of my declaration by:

That Surprise Witness TV on YouTube

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