Biden’s Supreme Court Reforms Are Far Overdue

Official portrait of Joe Biden as president of the United States

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. 46th President of the United States

According to an article from The Hill 8/5/2024 ;

Biden has declared that the current Supreme Court is “not normal.”

He said it has become so twisted by politics and gift money that it is now undermining public trust in government and “the public’s confidence in court’s decisions…” That strong statement is a landmark moment for U.S. history.

The article goes on to quote another statement from Biden:

Biden issued his warning after directly citing the Supreme Court ruling that a president is immune from prosecution for breaking the law as an attack on the basic American principle that no man is above the law.


      One U.S. Supreme Court Justice replied back to President Biden that “he should be careful.” What he did not say, is that Biden’s Supreme Court reforms Are Far Overdue. Additionally he did not mention that President Joe Biden needs to be careful because he is about to leave office in November and will be open for prosecution for all of the crimes that he has committed while he was President of the United States and before he was President. 

      President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was motivated to bring these reforms because the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a President has full immunity for “official” acts while acting as President. He was hoping that the U.S. Supreme Court would continue the illegal “Lawfare” that has continued against Trump ever since he was elected President. Trump has been convicted for multiple criminal charges that were brought against him illegally in an effort to “frame him up” on ridiculous charges!

     The other issue is that President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is a lawyer. He should know that our judicial system needs to be reformed from the U.S. Supreme Court all the way down to the state courts. They are all corrupt all the way down, especially the Probate courts. 

     The Probate courts in Los Angeles, California where the Vice President has a home, are just a Judges’ Racket! They are stealing and wasting the estates of elderly victims and their heirs who come to the Probate Court system for “The Administration of Justice.” Unfortunately, all they will receive is the “Administration of Just US Criminal Judges!”

     It is the opinion of this writer that these U.S. Supreme Court reforms put forth by President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. are disingenuous at best!

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