Is The U.S. Supreme Court In Contempt Of Black America?

Chief Justice John Roberts             The U.S. Supreme court ruled on June 25, 2013 by a Writ of Certiorari to “invalidate” section 4 of the Voter Rights Act (VRA) of 1965. This section provides crucial protections for Black Americans against states that have a long history of promulgating racist obstructions to voting or running for office. Chief Justice John Roberts, delivered the Supreme Court’s opinion in the  SHELBY COUNTY, ALABAMA v. HOLDER, ATTORNEY GENERAL, ET AL, case. As stated in the Supreme Court Syllabus for this case:  The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was enacted to address entrenched racial discrimination… Continue reading

Analysis Of The “Stand Your Ground” Law In The State Of Florida

I have posted the Florida Statute of self-defense that contains the “Stand Your Ground” section after my analysis in this article. This was used for the defense of George Zimmerman, for the murder of Trayvon Martin. It is also being used as the “excuse” for the corruption and institutionalized racism of the Florida judicial system. This law was reviewed by the judge in the Zimmerman trial and was found not to apply to Zimmerman! The judge could have thrown the case out before it came to trial if it did apply. The jury should have seen that Zimmerman is a low-life killer and convicted… Continue reading

Uncle Toms Like Larry Elder and Fascist Propaganda

Larry Elder

Los Angeles Local News, Weather, and Traffic These filthy Presidential Campaign TV shows are getting worse and more insulting to the intelligence of American Citizens and especially Black American Citizens that are not Uncle Toms, Sambos, or Porch Monkeys like Larry Elder. The Republican Party should have been outlawed after eight years of the last Bush (The Gimp) who did nothing but help to destroy this country! The father of “Papa Bush” Prescott Bush, was a Nazi and supported Hitler during World War II.   Like father like son! This idiot low-life Nazi is the hero of the Republican Party.  This is nothing but a testament… Continue reading

Who is Watching Our Borders? Why There Should Be Cameras At All Border Stations!

San Ysidro Border Crossing     I came down to San Diego during (8/11/12 to 8/12/12). I decided to go across the border to see Mexico and how Los Angeles is becoming more and more like Tijuana. When I crossed at the San Ysidro border crossing, I notice that there were not as many American tourists that are usually going down to the Tijuana clubs at night. I went down to see some of the clubs in downtown Tijuana and notice that there were fewer Americans in this part of the city now also. I believe that this is possibly… Continue reading

1st & 2nd Generation Hispanic Terrorists Killing Blacks To Run Them Out of Their Own Country and Are Not Being Deported!

Cheryl Green R.I.P. There was an article published in the Los Angeles Times News Paper recently by Sam Quinones, who is a writer for the  Los Angeles Times on June 22, 2012. Man gets 238 years in L.A. hate-crime slaying of teenage girl Prosecutors say Ernesto Alcarez, the last defendant in the killing of Cheryl Green, was the lookout for the gunman. The murder cast light on violence by Latino street gangs against blacks in the city.   I consider a 238 year sentence an insult to every Black American in this county! Why should this Hispanic Terrorist get to spend the… Continue reading

Los Angeles Superior Courts Probate Department 11 Corruption

I am currently involved in a Probate case in the Los Angeles Superior Courts Department 11. The judge on my case now is Judge Michael I. Levanas . He has allowed a criminal trustee/conservator to continue to steal hundreds of Thousands of dollars from my mother’s estate and send it out of the country to pay for his house and living expenses in South Africa. He has also allowed a corrupt court appointed attorney to remain as my mother’s court appointed PVP attorney after I have filed transcripts in court of the perjuries that she made in court to hide the crimes… Continue reading

Demonstration Against Corruption in The San Bernardino Courts

     The justice channel traveled to the city of San Bernardinoto cover the Demonstration against the Probate court there by a group of citizens that are victims of our courts.      Some video  interviews were done by The Justice Channel of the victims of the San Bernardino courts. Many of these victims were involved in litigations in the court of Judge Welch. Probate Demonstrators in San Bernardino      Demonstrators then came to the courtroom of Judge Welch to monitor a Probate hearing that involved a court appointed fiduciary by the name of Melodie Scott, who has had several criminal complaints filed against her from… Continue reading

Commentary On The Trayvon Martin Atrocity

    The Trayvon Martin murder has broken out many issues in this country and opened many old wounds for Black Americans. It only demonstrates that in this year of 2012, that Black Americans still do not receive equal protection under Any laws! The “undercover” declaration of “open season” on Black Americans by the Bush Family Regime still continues and is becoming more blatant by law enforcement and our judicial system. This has been occurring all across this country and has become even more intense since the last Bush was in office. The fact that we have a Black American… Continue reading