Is The U.S. Supreme Court In Contempt Of Black America?

Chief Justice John Roberts             The U.S. Supreme court ruled on June 25, 2013 by a Writ of Certiorari to “invalidate” section 4 of the Voter Rights Act (VRA) of 1965. This section provides crucial protections for Black Americans against states that have a long history of promulgating racist obstructions to voting or running for office. Chief Justice John Roberts, delivered the Supreme Court’s opinion in the  SHELBY COUNTY, ALABAMA v. HOLDER, ATTORNEY GENERAL, ET AL, case. As stated in the Supreme Court Syllabus for this case:  The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was enacted to address entrenched racial discrimination… Continue reading

Analysis Of The “Stand Your Ground” Law In The State Of Florida

I have posted the Florida Statute of self-defense that contains the “Stand Your Ground” section after my analysis in this article. This was used for the defense of George Zimmerman, for the murder of Trayvon Martin. It is also being used as the “excuse” for the corruption and institutionalized racism of the Florida judicial system. This law was reviewed by the judge in the Zimmerman trial and was found not to apply to Zimmerman! The judge could have thrown the case out before it came to trial if it did apply. The jury should have seen that Zimmerman is a low-life killer and convicted… Continue reading

Who is Watching Our Borders? Why There Should Be Cameras At All Border Stations!

San Ysidro Border Crossing     I came down to San Diego during (8/11/12 to 8/12/12). I decided to go across the border to see Mexico and how Los Angeles is becoming more and more like Tijuana. When I crossed at the San Ysidro border crossing, I notice that there were not as many American tourists that are usually going down to the Tijuana clubs at night. I went down to see some of the clubs in downtown Tijuana and notice that there were fewer Americans in this part of the city now also. I believe that this is possibly… Continue reading