1st & 2nd Generation Hispanic Terrorists Killing Blacks To Run Them Out of Their Own Country and Are Not Being Deported!

Cheryl Green R.I.P. There was an article published in the Los Angeles Times News Paper recently by Sam Quinones, who is a writer for the  Los Angeles Times on June 22, 2012. Man gets 238 years in L.A. hate-crime slaying of teenage girl Prosecutors say Ernesto Alcarez, the last defendant in the killing of Cheryl Green, was the lookout for the gunman. The murder cast light on violence by Latino street gangs against blacks in the city.   I consider a 238 year sentence an insult to every Black American in this county! Why should this Hispanic Terrorist get to spend the… Continue reading

Commentary On The Trayvon Martin Atrocity

    The Trayvon Martin murder has broken out many issues in this country and opened many old wounds for Black Americans. It only demonstrates that in this year of 2012, that Black Americans still do not receive equal protection under Any laws! The “undercover” declaration of “open season” on Black Americans by the Bush Family Regime still continues and is becoming more blatant by law enforcement and our judicial system. This has been occurring all across this country and has become even more intense since the last Bush was in office. The fact that we have a Black American… Continue reading