The Trayvon Martin murder has broken out many issues in this country and opened many old wounds for Black Americans. It only demonstrates that in this year of 2012, that Black Americans still do not receive equal protection under Any laws! The “undercover” declaration of “open season” on Black Americans by the Bush Family Regime still continues and is becoming more blatant by law enforcement and our judicial system. This has been occurring all across this country and has become even more intense since the last Bush was in office. The fact that we have a Black American for President does not seem to matter at all! As far as I am concerned, this is just Bush’s 3rd term!
Now in 2012, we see this Presidential “TV Show Selection” of Republican-only candidates that have not said anything at all about what they are going to do for Black Americans! Just before this sick Presidential “TV Show Selection” started last year, the whole country saw the lynching of Troy Davis by our judicial system. Our Black American President Barack Obama said nothing about it and took no actions to stop it! He was more concerned about releasing known illegal alien Mexican murders than with trying to prevent this atrocity against Black Americans! Even Clarence Thomas, the only Black American on the U.S. Supreme court, said nothing about this judicial system atrocity! It is as though the Bush Family Regime has made sure that only their “type-cast” Porch Monkeys can only attain these high positions in America. These porch monkeys have turned their backs on Black Americans and are traitors to this country!
Please see the article on Troy Davis:

The Trayvon Martin case is only one case that has received national attention. Many others are going on now in this country that have not gained exposure in the mainstream media. In California, we have seen similar atrocities occurring on a regular basis. There is a case going on now in the city of Pasadena where police shot a Black man after an illegal alien gave false reports to 911 operators that he was armed. The DA refused to file criminal charges against this illegal alien, and he was also released on his immigration violations and not deported!
Before this one, there was the Oscar Grant murder by a BART Cop in Oakland, California. They moved his trial all the way down here to Los Angeles, California, so our District Attorney Steve Cooley could fix up the case for this dirty cop Johannes Mehserle. Mehserle was convicted for involuntary manslaughter only and only served one year in the Los Angeles County Twin Towers facility and was released. Years before that, in 2005, there was the Devin Brown, murder by an LAPD Hispanic cop, and Steve Cooley refused even to try to file criminal charges against him!
LAPD is totally corrupt now 20 years after the Los Angeles Riots! It is dominated by racist 1st and 2nd generation illegal alien Hispanic cops that are roaming around Los Angeles County framing up, shooting up, and beating up Black Americans! LAPD is blatantly practicing illegal discrimination in the employment of its officers against Black Americans and has a majority of Hispanic officers that even outnumber Whites! These racist Hispanic cops are working in concert with the racist White officers like police chief Beck to decimate Black American communities and only enforce the “Fascist Status Quo” all over Los Angeles County.
This writer is a personal victim of LAPD crimes and has seen first hand how these Hispanic and White officers will refuse to accept my citizen’s arrest and will most often not even take a police report from a Black American Citizen.
where is Trayvon Leimert rally part 1?