The video above shows the closing statements of all of the candidates.
The Justice Channel did attend this Crime Victims District Attorney Candidate Forum. It took place in an outdoor area of a building in downtown Los Angeles. It was cold that night and there were no reporters from the mainstream network TV stations.
Even though this forum was hosted by L.A. County Crime Victims, the moderators did not allow any questions from any crime victims. All questions from the public had to be submitted in writing before the forum began through their website. The Justice Channel submitted several questions before the forum in writing. The moderators did not ask any of the questions submitted by The Justice Channel.
George Gascon did not attend this debate. The moderators asked generalized questions to the candidates. Mostly about reforms to the DA’s office. There were no questions about corruption in the courts, law enforcement corruption, systemic racism, or the election process. None of them mentioned anything about reforming the courts or corrupt judges. Only one of the candidates stated that he would prosecute illegal aliens and order them to be given over to immigration enforcement (ICE). Most of the candidates seem to be better than George Gascon.
It is very obvious from this forum and past debates for these candidates for Los Angeles District Attorney as well as all of the other political campaigns going on in this country, that there will be no major changes with any substance soon. This country is in trouble!
Los Angeles District Attorney GASCÓN MUST GO!

George Gascón