I have seen Karen Bass presenting to Black Americans at West Los Angeles College during one of the election campaigns for Mayor of Los Angeles when Eric Garcetti was running for mayor against Janice Hahn. Additionally, I did a video interview with her for a Christian TV station after one of her Town Hall meetings in Los Angeles several years ago. In my opinion, Karen Bass is a pathological liar and a corrupt, sold-out dirty Uncle Tom politician! Karen Bass is the enemy of Black Americans!
Evidence of Her Lies
During my video interview, I asked Karen Bass why there are more Mexicans in all police departments in Los Angeles than Black Americans. Karen Bass stated that LAPD does not hire many Blacks because “most Blacks have criminal records.”
During a recent campaign rally for Los Angeles Mayor, Karen Bass stated that “most people feel safe in Los Angeles!”
No Actions to Stop The Mexican Gentrification of Black Americans In Los Angeles
These pictures are from the TV news report of the October 8, 2022, carpenters union rally for Karen Bass. From all of the videos published in this report, you will only see about two Blacks in the video. All of the others are Hispanics. Most are assumed to be Mexicans.
Since the 1990s, Black Americans continue to be eradicated from Los Angeles County by Mexicans and other foreigners. Karen Bass has not mentioned this fact, nor has she tried to do anything about it in her entire political career!

Thanks for another great post.