January 28 2025 LAPD Commission Meeting Racist Rants

January 28 2025 LAPD Commission Meeting

January 28 2025 LAPD Commission Meeting

          In the city of Los Angeles, California, there is a meeting of The Board of Police Commissioners on every Tuesday.  The Board works in conjunction with the Chief of Police who acts as a chief executive officer and reports to the Board. There are five civilian members who make up the Board of Police Commissioners. Commissioners are appointed by the current Mayor Karen Bass. 

       I was there to represent the Probate Victims United Organization and demand action on the criminal complaints I filed against a court-appointed trustee Jeffery Siegle. After my presentation, they sent an Inspector General to get more information from me. Later that day, an LAPD detective called me and stated that he was going to file criminal charges against a so-called professional Fiduciary Jeffery Siegel of Siegel And Associates.

     There were individuals there that made the meeting seem like a real circus. Several hostile and confrontational presenters gave public comments during this meeting. One of the presenters was Herman Herman. He is a Hispanic male who frequently speaks out at local government meetings with his racist rants. The Justice Channel has published several reports and videos about this individual.


Sanctuary Cities are Racist Against Black Americans  November 19, 2024


     Some Black Lives Matter people were there including Melina Reimann Abdullah.  She did not say much of anything for Black Americans! All of them were hostile, calling the police PIGs. All of the people there that day do not like Karen Bass, the new police chief, or any of the Commissioners!

    I have seen Herman speaking at the Los Angeles City Council, The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, and the Los Angeles Police Commission for over ten years. He especially likes to say the “N” word during his rants. He has been removed and banned from speaking several times, but they always allow him to return.

Sanctuary Cities Are Racist Against Black Americans

     This is more evidence that Sanctuary States and cities are racist against Black Americans. The use of the “N” word publicly in Los Angeles is like adding insult to injury. Black Americans have been wiped out of all of their communities in the last twenty years! Most restaurants and fast food chains like Mcdonald’s, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Jack in the Box hire only Hispanics. LAPD is about 90% Hispanic (mostly Mexicans) and the Los Angeles Unified School District is dominated by Hispanics.

       Los Angeles has one of the largest homeless populations in the entire country. Black Americans are approximately 8% of the population in Los Angeles County but they make up about 95% of the homeless population. The sanctuary policies of California have forced thousands of Black Americans out into the streets to live in tents on sidewalks that are in front of busy streets with no restroom facilities.

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  1. Lenette Jackson

    Had that been a Black man, he would have been removed immediately and hurt or killed. This was absolutely unacceptable.
    There’s so much truth that you mentioned but what is the solution? Our politicians have allowed this and now they’re being ousted.

    • Thanks for you comments. They do help. What did you think about the video? I am still working on it. I will be updating it soon.
      My blog is set up to send me the comments initially before they show on the blog site. I have to approve them first before they will show.
      Please come back! More articles and videos to come.

      • Lenette Jackson

        Absolutely! Thank you for providing insight to how taxpayer dollars are being wasted. This meeting should have been about conducting the people’s business instead of allowing a waste of time with this disgraceful conduct.

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