Radio talk show host Larry Elder in the recall election got a first-class lesson about California racism during his run for California state governor this year!
Larry Elder had many obstacles to his bid for California State Governor in the 2021 recall election of Gavin Newsom. The first problem for Larry Elder were the media blasts from the Los Angeles Times that described him as “the Blackface of White supremicy!“https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-08-20/recall-candidate-larry-elder-is-a-threat-to-black-californians.
In this AUGUST 20, 2021 LA Times article the columnist Erica D. Smith reported concerns from Black Lives Matter that “He is a danger, a clear and present danger,” said Melina Abdullah, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Los Angeles. She reported also that “He also apparently doesn’t believe that racial profiling exists. This is despite telling The Times’ editorial board that police pulled him over “between 75 and 100 times” the first year he had his driver’s license.” “Elder scoffs at the many efforts to reform the criminal justice system and to root out racial bias in policing by requiring more transparency and accountability from officers. Instead, he keeps trotting out statistics that purport to show that Black people are particularly prone to murdering one another.”

“Indeed, his candidacy feels personal. Like an insult to Blackness.”
Columnist Erica D. Smith stated in her LA Time article
I do not agree with all of the statements in her article, but I can identify with this one! It is the opinion of this author that Larry Elder is an “Insult To The Intelligence of Black Americans,“ and he is a “Mockery to The American Negro!” I feel that he is the enemy of Black Americans and is a KKK Grand Dragon in Black Face!
“Anytime you put a Black face on white supremacy, which is what Larry Elder is, there are people who will utilize that as an opportunity to deny white supremacy. They say, ‘How could this be white supremacy? This is a Black man.’ But everything that he’s pushing, everything that he stands for, he is advancing white supremacy.”
Abdullah of Black Lives Matter
During his campaign, the second big problem for Larry Elder was a confrontation with some very racist and hostile people in Venice, California, when he came to see the homeless encampments there. A group of White people came up behind him yelling insults, and a White lady with a Gorilla mask on a bicycle threw eggs at him while calling him a Nigger!!
QUESTION: How is this not a hate crime?
ANSWER: Because “woke privilege” means a white woman can wear a gorilla mask and attack a black man without fear of being called a racist.
Where is the outrage from our politicians?
LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva tweeted out

The next big problem with Larry Elder’s campaign for California state Governor is that most Black Americans do not trust him or support him as a politician in any office! A Los Angeles Times reporter posted a question on the Justice Channel Facebook page asking if his Crenshaw High School class of Black Americans support him as Governor of the state of California. All of the responses to this question were no! Even people that worked with him or knew his family were totally against him!! The LA Times reporter got so many negative responses that he shut down the post on Facebook after about a week of negative and hostile responses!
If you listen to Larry Elder on his radio show, he has proclaimed over and over again for years that there is no racism against Black Americans. He emphatically states that the police are not racist against Black Americans!! With all of these major problems during his campaign and the fact that Larry Elder would have been the 1st Black American to be governor in the state of California, contradicts his false assertions of no racism against Black Americans. This author believes that an analysis of his short lived campaign for California state governor this year will only contribute to the definition of his character as a solid Uncle Tom!
The main stream media, the conservative Republican talk show hosts and the Los Angeles Times did not mention much about the fact that the state of California has not had a Black American for Governor in its history! The really big issue or “White Elephant in the room” is that no media outlets mentioned the fact that the state of California seems to prefer to have a 2nd generation Nazi like Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger, that was not even born in this country, as California state Governor before a Black American! Even a hard core Uncle Tom like Larry Elder! This violated the California state constitution because the Governor has to be a natural born citizen! Not a foreigner!