SPECIAL REPORT ON THE OCTOBER 14, 2022 Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission

    This report is what you will not see on network TV news stations. This writer has attended many of these commission meetings, including the first one many years ago! The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is still corrupt as it was when the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors set this commission up. 

     The Justice Channel was there during this meeting. This writer was able to present comments about the corrupt judges in the Los Angeles Superior Courts Probate Departments at the end of this meeting. I have made reports about this corruption many times over the years to this commission, the Sheriff’s Department, and the Inspector general. Nothing has been done yet. The Justice Channel believes this Sheriff Oversight Commission is just a “Dog & Pony show” and a waste of tax dollars. Sheriff deputies protect criminal judges and lawyers in the Los Angeles courts. They will tell you they have no “jurisdiction” in the courts and will not take a police report! These are felony crimes. See the video of my presentation below.

Picture of Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission Meeting on 10/14/2022

Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission Hearing on Deputy Gangs

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