March 27, 2025 Los Angeles County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission listening Session Special Report


             I attended the Los Angeles County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission meeting on 3/27/2025. They had an open community discussion or “Listening Session” about the Sheriff’s Department’s Complaint Process. I should have recorded it
            Several community members gave testimonials about how the Sheriff’s Department or Inspector General did not resolve their complaints appropriately! A Black lady who identified herself as a former president of the NAACP testified that this has been a common practice by the Sheriff’s department for years. She emphasized the need for the public to create and maintain proper documentation when they have any encounters with the police and especially when they file complaints against them. Some of their stories were horrific!


           I was able to speak to the Commission, and the first thing I said was, I am interested and willing to serve as a commissioner because they had mentioned that there was an empty commissioner seat open now. Then I continued on to talk about the problems I have had with the Sheriff’s deputies at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in the Probate Department 11. I mentioned that I had tried to arrest one of the opposing lawyers in my case during the Kangaroo trial we were having in Dept. 11 last year. The judge (Rosenbloom) ran out of the courtroom and came back with 5 or 6 Sheriff’s deputies and refused to accept my arrest. This is a felony. I then demanded that they take a crime report, and all of them refused. One of them said, “We don’t take police reports, and you have to go to LAPD if you want to make a report.”  
            I then reported to the Commission that I filed complaints about this incident to the Sheriff’s department and to the Inspector general. They have not answered my complaints at all. I testified additionally that LAPD has recently filed criminal charges against the same corrupt individuals to the Los Angeles District Attorney after I filed reports to them
           I mentioned I have been filing complaints about Sheriff’s deputies at the Stanly Mosk courthouse for years, and when I did get a response from a supervisor, he told me that, “Sheriff’s deputies do not have any jurisdiction in the court rooms.” One of the Sheriff’s supervisors was stupid enough to send me this in writing! I also mentioned that I attended the very first meeting of this commission, and I confronted the LA County Sheriff at that time, Jim McDonnell, who is now the Chief of LAPD, about this same issue, and he said, “Sheriff’s deputies do not have jurisdiction in the courtroom.” I concluded by saying that the LA Superior Court’s Probate Department is nothing but a judge’s racket and all of the judges, court-appointed fiduciaries, court-appointed lawyers, and court-appointed trustees are criminals.
The room fell silent when I gave this testimony, and the Civilian Oversight Commission did not say one thing!


           This so-called Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission is useless, in my opinion! I put the blame on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors for this. Since this Commission was formed on January 12, 2016, every other year, the Board of Supervisors states that they are going to do something about the corruption in the Sheriff’s department through the Oversight Commission, and they have community meetings and hearings, and nothing gets done! I have seen and confronted that so-called Inspector General Max Huntman and have seen he has done nothing! This Civilian Oversight Commission has not been responsible for putting one Pig in jail since their conception in 2016!
The pages below are from the court transcript that documents the refusal of Sheriff’s deputies and the Probate Judge Johnathan Rosenbloom to accept my arrest in the Los Angeles County Superior Courts Department 11.
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  1. Lenette Jackson

    Mr. Moore, please obtain information on how to apply to become a Commissioner on the Civilian Oversight Committee. That way, your voice can be heard and will be much more meaningful.

    Sheriff’s don’t have the power of arrest in courtrooms. They can detain you but they can’t charge you with a crime.

    The corruption inside of the courts will not change until the people collectively decide it’s time. One person, standing alone is not enough. We have to petition the Senate Judicial Committee which is the entity with authority over the courts and the State Bar.

    • I would like to see that law or rule that Sheriff deputies can not make arrests in the courthouse. I am down with petitioning the Senate Judicial Committee as well as other government levels.

    • You would have to apply for a position as a commissioner. They post openings on the Sheriff’s Oversight Commission website. I applied once before years ago and my application was denied.

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