SPECIAL REPORT ON THE OCTOBER 14, 2022 Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is still corrupt as seen in this SPECIAL REPORT ON THE OCTOBER 14, 2022 Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission

    This report is what you will not see on network TV news stations. This writer has attended many of these commission meetings, including the first one many years ago! The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is still corrupt as it was when the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors set this commission up.       The Justice Channel was there during this meeting. This writer was able to present comments about the corrupt judges in the Los Angeles Superior Courts Probate Departments at the end of this meeting. I have made reports about this corruption many times over… Continue reading

Advocacy Declaration To Terminate The Judicial Approved Gang Rape Of The Britney Spears Estate

Britney Spears & Samuel Ingham

The extent of the abuse and judicial corruption in the Britney Spears conservatorship case is just now beginning to come to light. A declaration was filed in her case to expose the LA probate court criminal racquet in the Los Angeles Stanley Mosk courthouse and get help for all probate court victims. Continue reading

Commentary On The Trayvon Martin Atrocity

    The Trayvon Martin murder has broken out many issues in this country and opened many old wounds for Black Americans. It only demonstrates that in this year of 2012, that Black Americans still do not receive equal protection under Any laws! The “undercover” declaration of “open season” on Black Americans by the Bush Family Regime still continues and is becoming more blatant by law enforcement and our judicial system. This has been occurring all across this country and has become even more intense since the last Bush was in office. The fact that we have a Black American… Continue reading