What the Main Stream Media Does Not Remember About 911/2001 Now In 2021

    Why is it that the “Main Stream Media” is not saying anything about George W. Bush when they talk about 9/11 now in 2021? Bush was the president during this tragedy, and there was a flood of documentary films that came out after this event that implicated him as knowing about it and doing nothing to stop it! One of these documentaries was Fahrenheit 9/11. This film was a major release with a 6 million dollar budget!
    I will never forget where I was on that day in Los Angeles, California when I heard that jet plains hit the World Trade Center on my car radio. I was on the 10 FWY heading to downtown Los Angeles for a court hearing. I had been falsely arrested by a gang of White and Hispanic Los Angeles Police Department COPS after attempting a citizen’s arrest of some criminals on my property in 2020. This case was now going to trial in the Los Angeles Superior Criminal Courts. In my case, the two judges, Judge Laurie Zelon and Judge Patricia Schnegg did everything they could do to obstruct justice and keep the jury from hearing all of the criminal evidence that I had against the LAPD cops that framed me up that day! They also put a racist actor, Robert Michael Jeter, on the jury who tried to pressure the jury into falsely convicting me! This case should never have gone to trial. I won the case, and all of the false charges were dropped against me!
    Since 911/2001, President George W. Bush started a war in the Middle East that has gone on for twenty years and cost the U.S. taxpayers about two Trillion dollars! President Bush continued the open borders policy that was started by his father, George Herbert Walker Bush. Bush’s open border policy has continued thru the Obama/Biden Administration and was halted in the Donald Trump administration with extreme opposition! Open border policies of the Bush administrations have now continued in the Biden/Harris Administration. This open border policy has flooded California with terrorists and other foreigners that have contributed to eradicating the Black American population in the state. According to Wikipedia, Southern California now has the largest concentration of Iranians in the world outside of Iran. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Iranian_Americans_in_Los_Angeles
    Since 911/2001, attacks from Islamofascist terrorists have continued in California and other states in this country and the world! There have been several attacks on our army bases! They dominate the medical field, and they are in our government, law enforcement, and even our armies! They have been allowed to flood into California and receive preferential treatment in employment and business opportunities over Black Americans, especially in Beverly Hills, California!
    Since 911/2001, the economy in California and the United States declined with a so-called recession and THE GREATEST FINANCIAL COLLAPSE SINCE THE GREAT DEPRESSION combined with the Real Estate bust! Inflation in California has continued as well as increased taxes that have driven many large companies out of the state. Corruption in the state and local governments in California is out of control! The police and courts in Los Angeles, California, are totally corrupt and racist against Black Americans! George W. Bush turned his back on the growing racism against the American Negro during his administration, and this continued through the Obama/Biden administration!
    According to Wikipedia, Fahrenheit 9/11 is a 2004 American documentary film directed, written by, and starring filmmaker, director, and political commentator Michael Moore. The movie begins by suggesting that friends and political allies of George W. Bush at Fox News Channel tilted the election of 2000 by prematurely declaring Bush the winner. It then suggests that the handling of the voting controversy in Florida constituted election fraud.
    The film then segues into the September 11 attacks. Moore says Bush was informed of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center on his way to an elementary school. Bush is then shown sitting in a Florida classroom with children. When told that a second plane has hit the World Trade Center and that the nation is “under attack,” Bush allows the students to finish their book reading, and Moore notes that he continued reading for nearly seven minutes.
    Moore then discusses the complex relationships between the U.S. government and the Bush family; and between the bin Laden family, the Saudi Arabian government, and the Taliban, which span over three decades. Moore then states that the United States government evacuated 24 members of the BIN LADEN family on a secret flight shortly after the attacks, without subjecting them to any form of interrogation. – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fahrenheit_9/11

World Trade Center
World Trade Center in The 911 Attacks
George Bush
George Herbert Walker Bush
George W Bush
George W Bush
President Obama
Barack Obama
Micheal Jeter Actor
Actor Micheal Jeter
Judge Patricia Schnegg
Judge Patricia Schnegg
Judge Lauri Zelon
Judge Lauri Zelon
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