Kevin De Leon & the LA City Council Recordings

This article has the full recordings of several of the LA City Council members that were leaked to the media. It also has information about the failed recall against Kevin De Leon. Continue reading
This article has the full recordings of several of the LA City Council members that were leaked to the media. It also has information about the failed recall against Kevin De Leon. Continue reading
This video recording was a presentation to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on April 4, 2023. During this presentation, demands were made to jail all of the judges at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in Los Angeles, CA. These judges included Judge Ana Maria Luna and Judge Brenda Penny. Both of these corrupt judges are operating in the probate courts and need to go to jail! Continue reading
Probate judges are corrupt all across this county. This is just another example of how they operate. Continue reading
Many people have seen the Judge Judy show on TV for years. Most people do not know that she came from corrupt New York family courts. This article is a report about Judge Judy and the type of judge that she represents. There is a featured YouTube video about her also. Continue reading
This article is a report about a press release from the California DOJ regarding the conviction of a corrupt lawyer Michael Avenatti. It includes a commentary about how corrupt the California BAR association is. Continue reading
This report is what you will not see on network TV news stations. This writer has attended many of these commission meetings, including the first one many years ago! The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is still corrupt as it was when the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors set this commission up. The Justice Channel was there during this meeting. This writer was able to present comments about the corrupt judges in the Los Angeles Superior Courts Probate Departments at the end of this meeting. I have made reports about this corruption many times over… Continue reading
This is an article and video documentation about Angelique Fawcette. Ms. Fawcetre has been speaking out about the corrupt conservatorship case involving the former original Star Trek TV star Nichelle Nichols. Continue reading
This is a campaign to jail two corrupt judges in the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in Los Angeles, California. Please signn the petition! Continue reading