Judge Judy Came From New York Family Court Corruption

Where Did Judge Judy Sheindlin Come From?

Judge Judy came from New York family court corruption

Los Angeles, CA,- February 5, 2013: Hollywood Walk Of Fame Judge Judy Sheindlin

      If you want to see where Judge Judy Sheindlin came from, you need to see this video. She was a dirtbag “Bench Bitch” in a New York Family Law Court. Judge Judy is a prime example of the type of judge that acts like they are “all-powerful” with an arrogant demeanor and a brash attitude. She is especially hard on people that are self-represented in court. Judge Judy came from New York family court corruption.

      It is amazing that she was able to bring this type of judicial style to network TV and has enjoyed a long run with her show. This is the type of judge that most people hate to see in court and on TV.

Is She a Tough Judge That Stands For Justice for All?

      She has maintained this attitude that she has to be rigid and controlling with the people that come to her court to render true justice. You never hear or see her speaking out about how corrupt and racist the American judicial system has become. Most of the litigants in the Los Angeles Superior courts will say that family courts are corrupt and racist. They will also testify that this corruption is driven by and/or tolerated by unethical judges.

Judge Judy came from New York family court corruption.

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One Comment

  1. This “Judge” said she thought that people were lying to her in court, including lawyers, and social workers. She did nothing to make sure the people LYING were prosecuted for lying to her. That’s perjury, RIGHT she’s part of the problem, and even though she said it would be much worse. What has she done SINCE or what does she do to advocate to make it better the #metoo movement oughta go after Judge Judy. Seems she only cares about making money for herself‼️ she knew how corrupt the courts where she knew that social workers lied and lawyers came and fabricated information and she ought to have done something about it. She’s a f**king judge. I am very passionate as a court VICTIM! Test

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